Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nanofiber Application Research

For the second part of our project, Nick and I are researching the remainder of the process through which the spun nanofibers are modified into carbon nanofibers, which can be used as conductive material for energy-related applications.

Given the time constraints of the project, we will focus our efforts upon creating the finished nanofibers. If time allows, Nick and I will implement this into an energy application such as a capacitor. We then can compare how the nanofibers improve the performance of a capacitor, as opposed to the typical film inserted between the two electrical conductors of a normal capacitor.

Through working in an external lab, we have been able to learn the basic techniques of electrospinning and calcination. This process was simple, but had several steps that required a thorough attention to detail. For example measuring out the polymer solution to be used, the electrospinning setup, and the calcination settings had to be carefully done in order to ensure optimal results.

The next step for us will be to learn and begin conducting performance analysis on calcinated carbon nanofibers!

-Matt Cameron and Nick Pescatore

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